Barcelona Locales

Company Locales

These are the locales owned and operated by this company. Please don't forget that when a locale runs out of money, the people employed there won't get their salary and they'll quit their jobs and perhaps even trash the locale. Also, if the condition falls to the bottom the locale can collapse at any given moment.

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Locales Cash Quality Condition
Barcelona Instrument I 530385 53,038.50 M$ 0 69
Barcelona Instrument II 275457 27,545.70 M$ 0 76
Barcelona Instrument III 114993 11,499.30 M$ 0 75
Barcelona Instrument IV 940785 94,078.50 M$ 0 74
Barcelona Instrument V 538785 53,878.50 M$ 0 62
Barcelona Instrument VI 1362325 136,232.50 M$ 0 85
Barcelona Instrument VII -6373 (637.30) M$ 30 76
Barcelona Restaurant I 643002 64,300.20 M$ 0 81
Barcelona Restaurant II 246399 24,639.90 M$ 0 71
Barcelona Restaurant III 133359 13,335.90 M$ 0 74
Barcelona Shop 3035850 303,585.00 M$ 10 76
Barcelona Shop I -42710 (4,271.00) M$ 0 75
Barcelona Stage Equip I 617037 61,703.70 M$ 0 81
Barcelona Stage Equip II 308121 30,812.10 M$ 0 77
Barcelona Stage Equip III 509217 50,921.70 M$ 0 72
Barcelona Stage Equip IV 170293 17,029.30 M$ 0 78
Barcelona Stage Equip V 995057 99,505.70 M$ 0 80
Barcelona Stage Equip VI 123824226 12,382,422.60 M$ 40 68
CatalĂ  Shop Barcelona 3824110 382,411.00 M$ 0 80
Ensayos Barcelona 574049 57,404.90 M$ 0 78