the edge of making babies

Cities Visited

This page shows when an artist played in a city the last time. Band members belonging to this artist can also see the total amount of times they've played in a city as well as how many tickets they've sold in each city the last game year. (A year in this game is 56 days long in real life.)

City Last Visit Visits Details
Vilnius 853579/26/2012 14 Details
Seattle 822035/17/2012 11 Details
Los Angeles 821795/16/2012 10 Details
Mexico City 821535/15/2012 10 Details
Shanghai 821155/14/2012 7 Details
Manila 820925/13/2012 10 Details
Jakarta 820695/12/2012 9 Details
Singapore 820445/11/2012 11 Details
Melbourne 820185/10/2012 9 Details
Buenos Aires 819835/8/2012 7 Details
São Paulo 819595/7/2012 9 Details
Rio de Janeiro 819355/6/2012 11 Details
Johannesburg 818825/4/2012 10 Details
Ankara 818335/2/2012 11 Details
Baku 818095/1/2012 11 Details
Izmir 817854/30/2012 10 Details
Antalya 817614/29/2012 6 Details
Istanbul 817374/28/2012 12 Details
Sofia 817134/27/2012 8 Details
Bucharest 816894/26/2012 10 Details
Budapest 816664/25/2012 11 Details
Rome 816424/24/2012 11 Details
Milan 816184/23/2012 12 Details
Sarajevo 815944/22/2012 11 Details
Belgrade 815704/21/2012 12 Details
Dubrovnik 815464/20/2012 11 Details
Warsaw 815224/19/2012 13 Details
Stockholm 814984/18/2012 9 Details
Kyiv 814494/16/2012 11 Details
Moscow 814244/15/2012 11 Details
Helsinki 814014/14/2012 11 Details
Tallinn 813774/13/2012 12 Details
Tromsø 813544/12/2012 10 Details
Copenhagen 813304/11/2012 9 Details
Madrid 812564/8/2012 9 Details
Porto 812344/7/2012 9 Details
Paris 812124/6/2012 11 Details
Amsterdam 811884/5/2012 7 Details
Brussels 811644/4/2012 11 Details
London 811414/3/2012 15 Details
Barcelona 810203/29/2012 10 Details
Glasgow 809973/28/2012 13 Details
Berlin 809723/27/2012 12 Details
Chicago 800672/18/2012 6 Details
Nashville 800432/17/2012 10 Details
Toronto 800182/16/2012 10 Details
Montreal 799942/15/2012 12 Details
New York 799702/14/2012 9 Details
Tokyo 0Never 0

Cities Visited Summary

Total number of shows: 494
Cities visited: 48/49